
Tonight’s weather forecast includes the first possible frost of the season. I suspect the plants right up against the house (such as this one) will probably be OK for a little while longer, but this is probably close to the end for the tomatoes.
Cannas flower.

Revealing Luke's Secret Plan

A while back, I noticed that one of the posts on Luke’s “Toothface” blog starts off with the sentence, “I was introduced to Keith Olbermann from my BSG Seminary Collegue this past winter.” I’ve been intrigued by that statement ever since.
I’m by no means well-versed in the names of the various seminaries in existence, but a reference to a “BSG Seminary” definitely catches my eye. Particularly when it comes from Luke, because the two of us share an appreciation for the TV show Battlestar Galactica or, as it’s known in some circles, “BSG.”
I don’t recall anyone on the show ever mentioning a seminary, but the show has embraced religious themes from the first episode, so it’s not much of a stretch for there to have been a seminary somewhere along the line.
There’s also an interesting distinction to be made: Luke subscribes to a monotheistic belief system. The human survivors of the twelve colonies, for the most part, follow a polytheistic religion (it’s not entirely clear whether the colonials worship the Greek/Roman gods).
There are exceptions of course. Along with a few atheists, there are a few who believe in only one god. I believe Kara Thrace (“Starbuck”) is an example of the latter group.
Of course, there’s another group in Battlestar Galactica who worship only one god: The Cylons. And the Cylons also have religous leaders, such as Brother Cavil.

The Cylons were created by Man
They Rebelled
They Evolved
There are Many Copies
And They Have a Plan

I’m onto your plan Luke!!!

They Keep Pulling Me Back In

OK, maybe it’s not completely involuntary, but it’s certainly a case of old habits dying hard (minus Bruce Willis and the gratuitous explosions of course).
The Jaycees are an organization for people between the ages of 21 and 40. Once you turn 40, you’re out. It’s not like Logan’s Run mind you, none of this stuff where the day you turn 40 you go off to “Carousel” to “Renew”; it’s just that the year you turn 40 is the last time you can renew your membership. (So your Jaycee membership does go off to “Carousel”; in a manner of speaking anyhow.)
Having been there first hand, I can tell you that it’s a rough on the individual, but it’s good for the organization because it means you can’t have the same people doing the same thing forever. Sooner or later, the organization is forced to let someone new take over. Turning 40 didn’t bother me much, but hitting 41… that one bothered me a lot.
Of course, even after you turn 41, you don’t have to just go away. That’s where “associate members” come in. That’s the old folks who are still around to help out with things, but are no longer involved in running things on a daily basis.
There’s a strong temptation to tell people how they should be running things, and maybe even try to force your way back in, but I try to avoid that. I’ve seen too many cases of old folks sitting around complaining how things aren’t the same as they were “back in my time.” Yikes!
One of the best bits of advice I’ve ever been given was 15 years ago when a new group was taking over an event I cared a great deal about. My friend Sam told me, “You know, they’re not going to do things the way we think they should. It doesn’t mean they’re wrong, just different.” I’ve tried to take that to heart, if someone asks for advice, I’ll give it to them. If they don’t follow it, that’s their choice. It’s sometimes painful to watch the result, but I seem to recall some lessons from my own painful learning experiences. (Burning your finger on the car’s cigarette lighter is a lot more convincing than just being told that it’s hot. Not that I’d have any experience with that kind of thing mind you.) Similarly, if asked for help, I’ll provide it, but I try to avoid “parachuting in to save the day.” (Which is a heck of a colorful metaphor even if I don’t remember where I first heard it.)
But sometimes people do ask for advice, and then they follow-up by asking questions. That’s when you get to be a mentor. And that’s kind of cool. You don’t run the project for them: you answer questions, you give advice, and you help out. But you don’t take over. (It’s gotta be rough for momma bird when the baby bird takes that first step off the branch!) And most important (and as I’m finding, sometimes darn difficult) comes the part where you make sure the person who just learned all this stuff is also the person getting the credit for it.
So far, so good. It’s been nearly a year since I held any official role in the Jaycees. But in the past 10 months I’ve mentored a new person in the role of supplying food and beverages for a local high school’s AfterProm party and I’ve mentored someone to run the Paint-A-Pumpkin booth. With a bit of luck, this year’s “mentee” for each project will go on to become a mentor to someone else and so on down the line.
But my work here isn’t done quite yet. A couple months ago, the Board of Directors asked me for help with publicizing events. I’ve convinced a few people to write Jaycee Press Releases (and written a few myself).
Now I just have to find someone to take over keeping that torch lit too. It’s not supposed to be my turn any more.

Change of Scenery

A mere 48 hours ago, I was sitting on a second floor balcony overlooking the intersection of Bourbon Street and Orleans Avenue. Going back to work today was a definite letdown.
Although my aunt’s funeral wasn’t the happiest reason to visit New Orleans, I spent three days catching up with assorted friends, relatives, and various extended families. I’m glad I went.

Third Party Candidates

Paris Hilton has released a second campaign video for her (fake) presidential bid, with an endorsement from former President Jed Bartlet. Truthfully, I’m somewhat impressed by Ms. Hilton’s approach to the campaign season. Many celebrities openly endorse one candidate or another without laying out their reasons. Apparently they’d just have us vote one way or the other because someone famous said we should. Ms. Hilton is instead using her tongue-in-cheek presidential bid to bring up real issues that the real campaigns are ignoring.
Bearing that in mind, this seems like a good time to round up all the third-party candidates. Now if I could just get them to agree on a debate format….

Paris Hilton’s initial campaign video

Paris Hilton’s second campaign video

See more Paris Hilton videos at Funny or Die

Zaphod Beeblebrox’s Campaign Video

The Palin Presidential Campaign Announcement

Vote Naked!

Rather than tell you why their candidates are the best (or perhaps work to make sure their candidates really are the best), the political parties in Pennsylvania are more concerned about the clothes people will wear to the polls. Because after all, people’s clothing is more likely to influence your vote than anything the candidates have to say. (Then again, given how little of substance the candidates have had to say, the party leaders may have a point there…)
The solution is simple: Show up at the polls naked!
Oh sure, a few folks will look at you as though you’re not too bright, but you’ll still look smarter than any of the party leaders!

Why I Should Buy a Tivo.

Over the past few years, various friends and other concerned parties have been getting on my case about my sleep habits, or rather, my lack thereof. There is a degree of truth to the stories — more than one person has received an email response from me with a 3:00 am timestamp. (Of course, the first person to bring that up had sent me an email herself just 10 minutes earlier.)
I’ve been doing better about it. These days, more often than not, I’m asleep by 12:30, and almost always by 1. In the past two or three years, I think there’s only been one or two times when I watched any late night TV, and those were times when I was sick and had spent most of the day sleeping. (The fact that I’ve largely stopped watching TV at all undoubtedly has something to do with it as well.)
I did watch the first season of The Daily Show, back when it was hosted by Craig Kilbourn. I’ve only ever seen perhaps a half-dozen episodes of the Jon Stewart version. Aside from a few water cooler conversations, missing it hasn’t had a great impact on my life.
Somewhere along the line though, I did miss something. I’m not sure when he came onto the scene, but thanks to YouTube, I’ve discovered that at some point a fellow named Craig Ferguson took over CBS’ The Late, Late Show. I’ve caught one or two of his rants and find them equally funny and thought-provoking.
Why, it’s enough to make me think I should start staying up late again!

Wylie's Recipe Book

Pooched Eggs are one of Wylie’s all-time favorite breakfasts. Every morning he curls up on the couch, watching me in the kitchen, waiting to see if this treat will be forthcoming.

Pooched Eggs

In a bowl, combine two eggs with three teaspoons of milk.
Melt a small pat of butter in a frying pan over medium heat. As the butter finishes melting, add the egg mixture. As the eggs begin to set, stir the mixture with a spatula, allowing more of the liquid to come in contact with the pan. Continue until no liquid remains and the egg mixture has solidified.
Serve over a bed of kibble.
Feeds one.
Variants: This recipe also works with small pieces of ham or sausage stirred in. Instead of scrambled eggs, you can substitute fried, dogs aren’t overly fussy about that sort of thing. Dogs are omnivores, so stirring in small amounts of vegetables should be OK, just don’t go overboard (Wylie doesn’t want a huge chunk of tofu either).


Talk Like a Pirate Day was two weeks ago. That was a Friday this year, which made a perfect excuse for celebrating an entire Pirate Weekend. A few highlights from this year’s festivities follow.
For any well-dressed pirate, eye patches and hooks are optional, and of course all swashes should be buckled appropriately. Traditionally, proper pirate headgear has included both bandannas and pirate hats. In more recent times, the latter category has been expanded to include sports caps for the Pittsburgh Pirates, Tampa Bay Buccaneers or Seattle Seahawks (beware though, wearing another team’s hat may have you walking the plank).
Shawn, Katie, Maggie and Tom.
Can you guess which pirate makes her own chain maille?
Katie's eye patch.
This bloke be Claire.
A bloke named Claire.
According to Wylie (the obligatory not-so-scurvy dog), heaven must be a lot like this.
Wylie and Julie.
Sure, Sue thinks its funny now. But what’s she gonna say when Jacob tries the “Pull my finger” routine on her?
Claire, Jacob and Sue.
These swabs must be music pirates.
The most fearsome pirates of all.
Molly, Maggie and Katie.