Every Time Someone Exceeds the Time Limit, You Take a Drink

Not a whole lot of substance tonight either, just a lot of dodging questions and throwing jabs at each other.  The two Vice-Presidential candidates came off as looking a whole heck of a lot better than their primaries.
He’s not getting the candidates to follow the rules they agreed to, but so far I think Tom Brokaw’s the one who’s ahead on points.

2 thoughts on “Every Time Someone Exceeds the Time Limit, You Take a Drink”

  1. No, every time John McCain says “my friends,” you take a drink. Although considering his angry tone, maybe it would be safer to face him sober.

  2. I also considered, “Every time John McCain ‘sits across the table'” or “reaches across the aisle.”
    A good way to boost the viewership for next week’s final debate would have been for Tom Brokaw to smack them each upside the head every time they went over the allotted time, distorted the other’s record, or failed to actually answer a question.
    Heck, do that just once and suddenly the debates would be viable as a pay-per-view event.

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