Category Archives: Silliness

If You're Gonna What?!?!

BeyoncĂ©’s “single ladies” has been getting a lot of airplay around here lately. I suspect that’s at least in part because once the broadcast mega-corps discover that people like a certain song, they feel obliged to play it into the ground. But I don’t begrudge BeyoncĂ© her success, I’m certain she deserves it.
The only problem is, I keep mishearing that song. Perhaps it’s the acoustics of the room my radio is in; perhaps it’s my hearing; or perhaps it’s simply my preference for songs with a tempo I can dance to. Whatever the reason, I can’t quite make out some of the lyrics.
According to a quick Google search, the lyric is supposed to be, “If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it.” The ex-boyfriend the song is directed at missed his chance, he should have proposed.
The way the words come across when I hear that lyric is somewhat different. The lyric I keep hearing are, “If you’re gonna pull my finger, put a ring on it.”
Considering what happened the last time I fell for that prank, it’s hard to fault the guy for his decision.

My Life: The Movie

I was asked recently:

If they were making a movie about your life, what would it be called and which actor would play you?

I’m not sure what the title would be, but it would probably be a comedy. (In light of my recent interests, So You Think You Can Dance might be a good one , but I think that title’s already taken. Maybe I should just go with Casablanca and be done with it.
As far as the actor goes — most likely the casting director would be confused by my name and cast a woman to play me – Geena Davis might be a good choice, she has comedy/drama credits to her name (e.g. Cutthroat Island), she’s about my height, and her hair color is similar to mine. Oh sure, the producer would realize there’d been a mistake about the gender, but by that point Geena would already be under contract and it would be too expensive for the studio to back out. In the end, everyone would agree that this sort of mistake happens a lot in my life and so they’d end up keeping her.
When the movie came out, half the critics would watch the film and laugh uproariously, the other half would be confused. This would be very similar to most other things in my life.

Hide and Seek

Wylie enjoys lounging on the couch, particularly on the reclining section furthest from the window. When I’ve had guests over, and the couch was full, he’s been known to hop up next to a “squatter” and nudge that person until he or she moves out of his spot.
Wylie evicts a squatter from his spot on the sofa.
When Wylie is alone on the couch, he likes to curl up toward the back where the cushions meet the back. He tends to drop down into the space in between.
Which leads to an important tip: If you can’t find your dog, don’t forget to check under the sofa cushions. (This also applies to loose change.)

Emergency Preparedness

We had a fire drill at work this morning. That happens about twice a year, but this time out it became clear that my workgroup would be woefully unprepared in the case of an emergency.
Had there been a fire, we would have been completely without marshmallows to roast.

Stop Local Warming

The TED Talks (Technology, Entertainment, and Design) have a reputation for being quite fascinating, though perhaps a bit disconnected from every day life. For example, David Gallo’s talk about astonishing creatures living beneath the seas. They’re all fascinating (particularly the octipus at the end), but how much relevance does it have to every day life?
But then we have other talks, such as this one by investor Yossi Vardi who talks about how important it is to prevent not just global warming, but local warming too.

Bad Sign? Or Bad Law?

This seems to imply that it’s OK to run over people if they aren’t in the crosswalk.
Sign saying: Stop for pedestrians within crosswalk.
I feel obliged to point out that in order to take this photo, I had to step out of the crosswalk. And yes, I did notice the oncoming semi. (That street is closed most Sundays for outdoor concerts and the like. The truck was there to pick up the equipment.)


A piece of my stir-fry didn’t go down quite the right way with the result that I had a minor coughing fit.

Throughout the incident, Wylie looked at me with a look of grave concern, clearly worried. From the way he held himself, it was clear that there was only one thing on his mind:

If you choke to death, can I have your dinner?

Sesame Street Sells Out

Yes, it’s true. Sesame Street has sold out – to Google! Never mind that whole “Veggie Monster” flap from a few years ago, check out this video of Cookie Monster singing the praises of Google. (“When me hear a bugling sound, it make me want to Google around.”) Kermit the Frog even gets into, billing Cookie Monster as “one of the world’s finest Googlers.” (It’s no wonder, “with a Google, Google here and a Google, Google there.”)

What’s truly amazing is that they recorded this song 26 years ago. They managed to sell out 16 years before Google launched!