Acronym Soup

I need to mail a package in the next couple days. Doing some running around tomorrow morning, I’ll be passing near a Post Office, so that seems like an ideal opportunity. The only catch is, all federal offices in the DC area will be closed tomorrow in order to help reduce the number of people heading into the city on what’s projected to be the largest-ever event on the National Mall. (As Dave points out, 7,000 porta-potties at an average width of 3.5 feet works out to more than 4.5 miles.) This applies not only to the District of Columbia, but also to Fairfax County, Virginia; Prince George’s County, Maryland; and Montgomery County, Maryland.
This raises an obvious question: If I stop at the Post Office, will it be open?
Fortunately, the Post Office web site includes a “National Mail Service Updates” page. Under the heading of “Washington, DC ā€” Inauguration Day 2009,” I found this very helpful notice:

Washington, DCā€“ the following service changes are in effect for Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2009.
All P&DCs, SCFs and BMCs in the region will be open during the Inauguration.

Well that certainly clears it up.

2 thoughts on “Acronym Soup”

  1. If you scroll down far enough, you’ll find a list of Post Offices that will be closed, along with a note that the Postal Service will make every effort to provide retail and delivery services throughout the rest of the area. (Amusingly, it seems that the new President won’t be able to buy stamps tomorrow because the Post Office branch at the White House – ZIP code 20500 – will be closed.)
    But what the heck is a P&DC, and SCF or a BMC? I’m not familiar with those TLAs. (TLA == Three Letter Acronym)

  2. i got this really funny story about this one time i took my pkg to the BMC and there was no klf and i was like WTF? and the dood was all like BRB lol and that really pissed me off!
    my mom is a RCA btw šŸ˜‰

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