Skewing the Statistics

From the Dactyl Manor mailbag:

Dear Television Viewer-Radio Listener,
Arbitron is conducting an important survey about television viewing and radio listening in your area. In the next few days, an Arbitron Research Assistant may call you to ask a few basic questions about your household. This call will only take a few minutes of your time.
In business since 1949, Arbitron is one of America’s oldest and most respected survey research organizations. Arbitron is best known for its radio and television “ratings”. Each year, we survey thousands of homes all across the country. Research is our only business. We will never try to sell you anything.
In order to ensure the quality of our research, we need your help by remembering to take our call and sharing this letter with others in your household.
Thank you for taking a few minutes out of your busy day to speak with us. If you have any questions, please call us toll-free at 1-877-255-7551 or visit our website at
Steve Morris
President, Arbitron Ratings

In order to encourage me to participate, they’ve included a dollar. (WooHoo! I’m rich! Wealthy beyond my wildest dreams! Now I can leverage this great wealth to accrue power!)
One small problem: I don’t have a landline. There’s no way for them to call me.
The research company forgot to do their homework.