Web Browsers the Past 30 Days

Internet Explorer: 61.78%
Firefox: 30.42%
Safari: 5.04%
Mozilla: 1.56%
Opera: 0.70%
Chrome: 0.25% (Probably almost all from me.)
Netscape: 0.06%
Playstation 3: 0.04% (A game console?! Visiting my site?)
8900a: 0.02% (No idea what this is.)
Camino: 0.02%
Konqueror: 0.02%
NetFront: 0.02% (Seems to be a browser for phones and such.)
Palm750: 0.02% (So, I’m not the only one who’s ever web surfed with a PDA.)
Playstation Portable: 0.02% (Again with the game consoles!)
Sony-HTTPClient: 0.02% (Apparently also a game console.)

2 thoughts on “Web Browsers the Past 30 Days”

  1. Hmm, I think I fall under 2 of those categories and if I ever decide to pay the $6/month for web on my phone, I could fall under the Opera for Symbian category too.

  2. I didn’t enumerate the platforms they’re running on (maybe this evening), but I’ve been rather amused to find that somebody’s been visiting my site via their Nintendo Wii!!!

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