Packing Up

What with all the putting things in boxes and throwing stuff out, Wylie and Terry have definitely noticed that there’s something going on. They get stirred up when I pack up for a weekend away (particularly when I begin carting things out to the car) and this goes far beyond that.
Terry hasn’t seen the place this empty since the day we moved in, and Wylie, heck, he’s never seen it empty.
Here’s how the master bedroom looks now:
master bedroom
At this point the bed and the dresser (and sometimes Wylie) are just about the only things left in the room.
Likewise, the guest room is fairly well deserted:
guest room
If Marauder plans to drop any more pizza in the next two weeks, he’ll have to sleep on the floor. (And yes, that is a Nerf gun and a super soaker in the picture. Because you can never be too prepared.)
Soon I’ll start emptying out the living room.

2 thoughts on “Packing Up”

  1. hey dude! looking good and spotless in the casa! just got your Pearls before Swine article.. i LOVE that strip. it’s brilliant. absolutely brilliant. thanks for sending that along!

  2. I need more hours in the day. This is the second day in a row when I’ve made little or no progress in converting the place to something a bit more livable.

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