Fifteen Seconds of Comic-Strip Fame

I’ve been convinced for some time that a high percentage of the stuff you find online is pretty much junk. Sure, there’s some great stuff out there: Reference materials, product reviews, and more. The web is a real Wonderland.

On the other hand, consider the number of sites with pages that are never updated. Here’s one particularly egregious offender. And then you get into that whole thing with projects that never go anywhere and an unending array of blogs where the authors ramble without any sort of focus and so on.

When I started Dividing by Zero, I commented upon what I called “Blair’s corollary to Sturgeon’s Law,” claiming that most of what’s on the web is crud and wondering which side of the equation I was on.

I’ve been following the UserFriendly web-comic for most of the past seven years. It takes some good jabs at the geek world in a way that we generally can’t help but laugh at. Last weekend User Friendly ran a strip making the same claim I did about the value of online content. The strip even made the same reference to Sturgeon’s Law. Do you suppose this means Illiad (the author) has found my site?

Then again, he also pokes fun at himself from time to time…