Category Archives: Silliness


It’s official. As of Friday afternoon, for the first time in nearly nine years, I find myself “between jobs.” Coincidentally, the last time this happened was also in the winter, the only difference is that the last time it happened in January.
I start the new job on Monday. 🙂


Avast ye skurvy dogs! Are y’not knowing what day this be? That’s right matey, t’day be Talk Like A Pirate Day! ‘Tis the one day out of the year when ye can talk like a pirate without being insane!
And don’t be fooled lest ye find yerself walking the plank! The genuine Talk Like A Pirate Day be celebrated on September 19.
And a hearty thank ye to Cap’n Dave Barry for shivering timbers nationwide by popularizing this event back in 2002!
And lest ya be taken for a lily-livered landlubber, sail over to Tom Smith’s island and download the “Talk Like A Pirate Day” song!

Happy Star Wars day!

Today is Star Wars Day.
Sometime today, greet a friend, loved one, or even a deserving co-worker, with the phrase “Happy Star Wars day!”
And when they respond with the inevitable blank look, simply explain, “May the Fourth be with you.”
Afterwards, be prepared to run.

How to Live Longer

I discovered today that a recent issue of National Geographic had a cover story titled “The Secrets of Living Longer.”
As a community service, I’m going to reveal how you too can live longer. What’s more, I’m not going to make you buy anything. That’s just the kind of guy I am.
So what’s the secret to a long life? It’s quite simple really: Don’t Die!
That’s it! There’s nothing else you have to do!
Aren’t you glad I didn’t make you buy a magazine?