Category Archives: Photos

Entries with photographic accompaniment.

I Dare You!

If you’re reading this, then you should consider yourself to have been dared. And not just dared, this is a double-dog dare. You can’t ignore a double-dog dare!
For the past week or so (with more still to come) I’ve been posting photos of the various flowers around my house (check out the recent entries in my Photos category for examples). Now the sad truth is, I’m not a very good gardener (my main objective is for the flowers to choke out the weeds). Likewise, the secret to my success with a camera is that I take a lot of photos and only share the ones that look good — fortunately, with a digital camera, you don’t have to pay to have the bad ones developed. (Even then, I also use photo-editing software to crop out the ugly parts.)
So here’s the dare: If I can post a week’s worth of flower photos, then darn near anyone should be able to. I dare you to post photos of the flowers around your house (or even, around your neighborhood) once a day for the next week. Then, leave a comment here with a link so other folks can find them.
So get clicking. I dare you to!