Skirting the Issue

Dave’s been having fun the past few years, telling his daughters all sorts of stories about their various uncles. More recently, he’s posted a story or two on his blog.
I suppose I could respond with a story or two of my own, for example, when he was a foreign exchange student, he returned from New Zealand in January. My then-girlfriend and I went with my parents to meet him at the airport and when Dave got off the plane, he was wearing a skirt. (The girlfriend broke up with me a short time later.) I could go into great length about that, but why? After all, a picture is worth a thousand words.
Dave, wearing a skirt and holding a spear.
So you see, it turns out that I’m the normal one!

6 thoughts on “Skirting the Issue”

  1. What you fail to mention is that it was early January and the temperature was far below freezing outside when this picture was taken. Also, that I was headed next door when this picture was taken, to meet the new neighbors.

  2. See, I’ve pointed out to the girls more than once that it’s nearly impossible to embarrass someone who has virtually no sense of shame. I took the liberty after you posted this of linking to it from my Facebook account and adding the picture to an online photo album.

  3. I’m not trying to embarrass you. I’m just doing my part to make sure you never get elected to public office. I can already picture the ad your opponent’s supporters will run: David Learn – Not Enough Sense to Wear a Jacket. Paid for by the Committee to Elect Someone Else.

  4. “See, I’ve pointed out to the girls more than once that it’s nearly impossible to embarrass someone who has virtually no sense of shame.”
    Unfortunately, I’ve found that unless that person’s spouse is the same, you can really piss them off.

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