When changing jobs, it’s customary to give two weeks notice to your current employer. This gives them time to plan for the transition and also perhaps to try making it worthwhile for you to stay. (Honestly though, I’ve never heard anyone recommend that you accept a counter-offer.)
It’s also pretty common that unless you seem likely to cause a disruption, make off with proprietary data, or otherwise cause problems, most companies will let you keep working up to the very end in order to make the transition go as smoothly as possible. I’ve only ever heard of just one or two companies (in extremely competitive industries) where giving your two weeks notice results in being immediately escorted from the premises.
I freely admit to being a mischief-maker. There’s no point in denying it – too many people already know better. But intentionally causing problems? That’s just not my nature.
I’m spending my final two weeks at the current job wrapping up loose ends, fixing bugs, transferring knowledge, and just generally being a good guy. And therein lies the problem.
If I were the type to cause problems, I’d have been sent packing and in essence receiving a gift of two extra weeks worth of vacation time.
Sure, this way I’m not burning any bridges, but I can’t help feeling like I must be doing something wrong.
2 thoughts on “Extra Vacation”
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Ahh, come’n Dude. Being moral and ethical is NEVER ‘doing something wrong.’ And you know that. You’re an Imp, but you’re an Imp I trust with my back… 🙂
Well yeah, doing the moral and ethical thing is never wrong. But I find it ironic that in an effort to protect themselves against disgruntled employees, corporations have created incentives such that they discourage the desired behavior.
But the whole “trusting me with your back” thing brings to mind a recent Over the Hedge strip in which Verne (the turtle) is making up his list of who’s been naughty and nice. RJ (the raccoon) points out that some friends would consider a “kick me” sign on their back to be a “humorous sign of affection.”