An Inconvenient Truth

Wow. I just watched An Inconvenient Truth and that’s my reaction. It’s that kind of film.
I’ve already been doing a few things to cut my energy use (compact fluorescent lights, hybrid automobile, turning down the thermostat, etc) but this makes me want to do more.

For all the criticism Al Gore’s received over the years for stiffness in his public appearances, he came across quite well in this film. He started off by introducing himself to the audience, “Hello, I’m Al Gore and I used to be the next President of the United States.” Once the laughter died down he started them up again by saying, “I don’t find that at all funny.”
It’s somewhat fair to describe An Inconvenient Truth as “more of a slide show than a movie,” but along with taking the few pot shots at himself, Mister Gore used humor throughout the presentation to keep the audience’s attention and to drive his point home.
I’m not sufficiently knowledgeable to how say accurate the information is, but the movie is very compelling. I highly recommend watching it and deciding for yourself.