The Washington Post’s comic section (what Mom calls the "Educational section") contains an item called "Hints from Heloise." The feature generally consists of people writing in with ideas for how to perform common household tasks without spending a whole lot of money or clever ways to reuse things that would normally go in the trash. Why should they have all the fun?
A few theater chains in this area promote upcoming movies by giving away posters at Science Fiction conventions. There’s really only so many of those things you can put up on your bedroom walls, so after the convention weekend the leftovers end up in the trash.
In a moment of inspiration back in February, I realized that movie posters would make rather "unique" wrapping paper. A friend commented that he’d had a similar idea at one point and demonstrated how the smaller posters could be used to make some rather colorful envelopes.
This sort of recycling isn’t really all that new. Last year I passed out Jaycee board reports printed on the back of Serenity posters (Can’t stop the signal y’know!) and I’ve also been known to send postcards made from Pop-Tart boxes. 🙂