One More Reason

Talking to a friend this evening, I confessed to not being entirely certain when the last time was that my TV was switched on. I have two major reasons for this:

  1. Reality programming. (For example, I’d prefer to go on my own camping trips instead of watching Survivor.)
  2. Ads that run during the program. Not during the breaks in the program, but the crap they put on the screen after the commercial breaks that distracts you from the show you’re trying to watch.

(I would have also listed “General Lack of Quality Programming”, but that would have been redundant with the first item.)
Thursday’s User Friendly strip points out another good reason to leave the TV turned off.

Triple-step, Triple-step, Rock-step, Triple-step, Triple-step, Rock-step…

Talking to Bad Dog (not to be confused with the Bad Wolf) a week or so back, I mentioned that I was taking a swing dance class starting this week. He immediately burst into laughter and declared that the only reason a single guy would take a dance class is to meet girls.
That’s not true.
Over the past few months I’ve discovered that having picked up some basic dance steps allows me to attend events where people are dancing (such as a friend’s wedding back in November) and make a great impression on people. Even if I get nervous and do forget to do a rock-step, it still looks really impressive compared to “The White Boy Shuffle”. In the Kingdom of the Blind, nobody notices that the one-eyed man is repeating the same three moves again and again!
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind meeting girls at the lessons. It’s just not the only reason I’m going. 🙂